Steps to prevent Dry Socket after tooth extraction – Dr. Aarthi Shankar
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Steps to prevent Dry Socket after tooth extraction – Dr. Aarthi Shankar

The first and foremost advise will be to follow the instructions given to you following any extraction or any surgical procedure. The main instructions include no rinsing, no forcibly spitting or gargling, the reason being this will dislodge the clot from the extraction site. Another important instruction is to avoid using straw for drinking beverages. Straw usually creates a vacuum in your mouth. So this will forcibly dislodge the clot from the extraction site. You are usually not advised to smoke for one week or if possible after 10 days after the procedure as nicotine will produce high amount of heat in the oral cavity. This will dry the blood clot. If a woman is on oral contraceptives, then you should inform your doctor about it as estrogen is proven to hinder with healing process. You should also maintain a very good oral hygiene and this will prevent infections or dry socket from happening, You should stay hydrated and drink lots of water and have a balanced diet following an extraction, you should gently rinse the mouth with warm salt water, two or 3 days after the procedure. This helps in the healing process. Remember that you should not do forcible rinsing or spitting. So the basic rule of thumb is to prevent dry socket, we should follow the instruction given to you following a surgical procedure or a normal tooth extraction.