Ten Easter Eggs in a Bed | 이스터송 | 서프라이즈 에그 | 부활절 어린이 영어동요 | 에그송 | 주니토니 by 키즈캐슬
#부활절 #에그 #영어동요
-작사: 키즈캐슬(KizCastle)
-작곡: Nursery Rhyme
-편곡: 키즈캐슬(KizCastle)
-노래: Bomie, Matthew, 키즈캐슬(KizCastle)
* 동글동글 귀여운 달걀 친구들과 깡총깡총 귀여운 버니가 부활절을 축하하러 한 자리에 모였대요. 과연 어떤 깜짝 놀랄 만한 일들이 벌어질까요? 그리고 내 서프라이즈 에그에서는 어떤 선물이 나올까요? 두근두근 이스터를 모두 함께 축하해요!
▶ 가사
One! Two! Three! Four!
Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine!
Ten Easter Eggs!
Ten eggs in a bed,
and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over.”
So they all rolled over and
one fell out.
“A doll!”
Nine eggs in the bed,
and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over.”
So they all rolled over and
one fell out.
“A car!”
Eight eggs in the bed,
and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over.”
So they all rolled over and
one fell out.
“A mirror!”
Seven eggs in the bed,
and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over.”
So they all rolled over and
one fell out.
“A candy!”
Six eggs in the bed,
and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over.”
So they all rolled over and
one fell out.
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine
and ten in a bed.
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine
and ten in a bed.
Five eggs in the bed,
and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over.”
So they all rolled over and
one fell out.
“A ring!”
Four eggs in the bed,
and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over.”
So they all rolled over
and one fell out.
“A T-rex!”
Three eggs in the bed,
and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over.”
So they all rolled over
and one fell out.
“A bandage!”
Two eggs in the bed,
and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over.”
So they all rolled over
and one fell out.
“A ball!”
One egg in the bed,
and the little one said,
“Happy Happy Easter!”
* 주니&토니의 동요동화를 만나볼까요?
▷ ‘인기동요’ 시리즈 이어 보기 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCKiLDqcagE&list=PLwAhia4ND7XDaGuxCO1BJ3s3vVS3Y79K7
▷ ‘공룡동요’ 시리즈 이어 보기 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxNy2vkWDYM&list=PLwAhia4ND7XBMyN5OJwe88LDj05reZsi3
▷ ‘색깔동요’ 시리즈 이어 보기 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=affN_S_VrZo&list=PLwAhia4ND7XAKD5oNcFCFIKZ91iNCQf68
▷ ‘인체동요’ 시리즈 이어보기 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avw8cBGXuyA&list=PLwAhia4ND7XBNX5AwzSCfdXMaYIHmsaSI
▷ ‘동화뮤지컬’ 이어 보기 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP3ShqhJquw&list=PLwAhia4ND7XAu6DiWkQ3ZgWW-2Kxe82JW
* 주니토니의 동요동화를 아래 음원 사이트에서도 감상할 수 있어요!
▷ 멜론 : http://www.melon.com/artist/timeline.htm?artistId=720223
▷ 지니 : http://www.genie.co.kr/detail/artistInfo?xxnm=80213992
▷ 플로 : https://www.music-flo.com/detail/artist/hdahioey/track?sortType=RECENT&roleType=ALL
▷ 바이브 : https://vibe.naver.com/artist/273065
▷ 네이버 : http://music.naver.com/artist/home.nhn?artistId=273065
▷ 벅스 : https://music.bugs.co.kr/artist/20083656?wl_ref=list_ar_01_search
▷ 소리바다 : http://www.soribada.com/music/artist/AK063531
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