The Trick to Waking Up and not Feeling Tired!
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The Trick to Waking Up and not Feeling Tired!

Want to get yourself used to waking up early but can’t? You aren’t alone.

Many people are not early birds so waking up early without feeling tired is quite a challenge for them.

Other times, the circumstances around us are what’s making it hard to shake off the feeling of grogginess and sluggishness, even after getting enough sleep.

Drinking coffee might be your first instinct, but it isn’t the most healthy way, as it can leave some people jittery and anxious.

Thankfully, there are better alternatives for banishing morning fatigue and starting your day with good energy.

For instance, instead of going for coffee, it’s better to reach for a glass of water first thing, which we will be talking more about next so make sure to stick around.

1. Relax at night time
What do you do before hitting the sack?

Most people just go to bed right after coming home late from somewhere.

It might be the most natural thing to do, but you’re actually doing it wrong.

For proper sleep hygiene, take a bath, listen to music, or read a book before bed.

But always stay away from screens.

2. Drink a glass of water
One of the common symptoms of dehydration is fatigue.

Even when mild, it can trigger drowsiness, alter cognitive ability, and cause mood disruptions.

Drinking a glass of water right after waking up freshens up your whole body before you start moving.

3. Reduce your coffee intake
Don’t worry, you don’t have to give up on your coffee.

You just need to take it down a notch.

Sure, coffee can provide benefits, but overdrinking may contribute to increased fatigue later on.

Use a smaller mug, instead, to help reduce the amount of caffeine in the morning.

4. Do some stretching
People stretch their bodies immediately after waking up.

It’s like second nature already. Ever wonder why?

That’s because, during REM sleep, your muscles are paralyzed and stretching reactivates those muscles, leading to the release of energy-stimulating endorphins.

If you have some time to spare, yoga is the best way to stretch out your body.

Plus, it has been shown to improve brain function and energy levels.

5. Wash your face with cold water
If cold showers are too much of a bother, then splashing cold water to your face will do the trick.

You can also have a water mist or spray bottle beside your bed so you can easily reach over and mist yourself without having to open your eyes.

6. Eat a healthy breakfast
Research has shown that skipping breakfast has an adverse impact on your energy and focus.

To fight off morning fatigue, opt for lean proteins, lower-sugar fruits, nuts, and whole grains.

What you eat can affect the way you feel later on, so it’s important to eat the right foods.

7. Wander outside to activate the brain
Getting some sunlight makes people feel more alive and energized.

Make sure to go outdoors in the morning for a few minutes.

This is also your chance to get some vitamin D for your body.

Hopefully, those tricks will do it for you.

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