Types of ear discharge Colour, Smell & its meaning – Dr. Harihara Murthy | Doctors’ Circle
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Types of ear discharge Colour, Smell & its meaning – Dr. Harihara Murthy | Doctors’ Circle

Dr. Harihara Murthy | Appointment booking no:9886026602
Consultant ENT Surgeon | Murthy Health and Research Center,Bangalore
Ear discharge is a common symptom in children and in adults the most common is a straw colored fluid that comes when people tend to push something into the ear to try and clean it or when there is an itch, they put a finger and then agitate the ear. The straw coloured fluid is not normal. It is the wet wax produced by the ear as a protective measure for the irritation that the ear is feeling. This usually solidifies into a brownish mass in ear and this has a protective function. The ear drum is protected by the hair inside the ear canal and as well as the wax that is produced there. This is a self protection mechanism that nature provides for the ear and everytime you chew your food and move your jaw, you are actually moving the excess wax outside, so you don’t need to clean the ear at all. This is one of the discharge that comes. You can have a bloody discharge in case infection comes. Blood with pus can come if there is a furuncle or a pimple whtin the ear canal , which can bone caused by over energetic cleaning and injury to the skin, thereby causing an infection or a pustule forming there. So when it ruptures you can have pus coming out from there with blood stains.