vada curry recipe | vadacurry recipe | வட கறி | vadakari recipe
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vada curry recipe | vadacurry recipe | வட கறி | vadakari recipe

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vada curry recipe | vadacurry recipe | vadakari recipe with detailed photo and video recipe. an interesting and flavored fusion curry recipe made with tomato and onion gravy base, with deep fried toppings. it is a popular south indian curry or gravy and is mainly served with poori, idli or dosa. the taste and appearance is very similar to other south indian delicacies, i.e veg kurma, but still, this recipe is unique by itself.

vada curry recipe | vadacurry recipe | vadakari recipe with step by step photo and video recipe. south indian curries are generally made with grated coconut combined with myriad vegetables. they are known for its flavour, taste and versatility as it can be served for both rice and flatbreads. one such humongous popular south indian curry recipe is vada curry recipe made with deep fried lentil dumplings.