Warning Signs of a Seizure | Prevent Seizure | Can you feel a Seizure Coming? – Dr. Advait Kulkarni
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Warning Signs of a Seizure | Prevent Seizure | Can you feel a Seizure Coming? – Dr. Advait Kulkarni

Dr. Advait Kulkarni | Appointment booking number: 063636 11273
Consultant Neurologist | HSR Neuro Clinic, Bangalore
Warning Signs of a Seizure, they can feel the seizure coming. Some of them may feel severe headache, giddiness sense of fear, sense of fullness in abdomen, sense of discomfort sense of familiarity in unfamiliar places, called as déjà vu. A few patients my get few jerks, which are coming before seizure, sit is very important to become aware . some patients may stare before a seizure, some my have lip movements like lip automatism or some swallowing movements or some may have hand movements or hand automatism before a seizure. So seizure can be prevented. Some tips are very important to prevent seizure. These are having a proper good night sleep. Sleep deprivation is one of the most common causes of seizure. Avoid overexertion. Any physical exertion overnight trekking or physical activities like sports can trigger seizure. Excess alcohol can trigger seizure. So it is better to avoid smoking and alcohol to prevent seizure. Some of the drugs, antibiotics can cause seizure, patients who are drug addicts get seizure when they suddenly stop taking the drug. A person who is addicted to alcohol if he suddenly stops, then when he is using it daily can also cause seizure.