Weekly Psychic Card Reading For April 3 – 9 | Guiding Echoes ?
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Weekly Psychic Card Reading For April 3 – 9 | Guiding Echoes ?

A big THANK YOU to everyone who joined me LIVE for this reading. I love being able to live stream these readings with you.

We had some great stuff come up. I wasn’t expecting that at all! In this video, we pulled three cards from Kim Dreyer’s Conscious Spirit Oracle, and we talked about what the energies have in store for us for the week of Monday, April 3 – April 9.

Archangel Raphael surprised us with a visit and a channeled message!

I also prayed over each of you and sent reiki / angel energy to all who are willing to receive it.

If you have any questions about this week’s reading, please put them in the comment section below. Love you!

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Thank you for watching! I look forward to connecting with you!