What are ethinyl estradiol & gestodene combined pills & its effectiveness? – Dr. Shailaja N

Ethinyl estradiol and gestodene tablet is the combined oral contraceptive pill. Ethinyl estradiol is the oestrogen component and gestodene is the progesterone component. This gestodene is third generation progesterone. It has less side effects compared to the older generation progesterone. However it is associated with small increased risk of deep vein thrombosis i.e. blood clotting within the veins. So the efficacy of this is almost comparable to the progesterone only pill. The difference between these is progesterone only pill is more compatible in those who have contraindications for oestrogen like obese people, smokers, lactating mothers. Comparatively though efficacy is similar between these combined oral contraceptive pill is more preferable because it has better cycle control. Inter menstrual spotting, bleeding are less in combined pills compared to progesterone only pills.
