What causes large & hard pimple in pubic(groin) area of a teenager? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

Vaginal region is moist and it is sweating always, so in the vulval region it can be a lot of sweat glands and hair follicles. So there can be long periods of work and unchanged undergarments all these can cause one of the hair follicles or sweat glands to collect some debris there and increase them to form a pimple or a boil. A small pimple can form which is a collection of the debris of that follicle or white blood cell or pus or small amount can be there, so a pimple can be part of the vaginal infection, if there is big or painful boils, then it is a bacterial infection which needs to be treated appropriately.so small pimple, just counseling, nothing to be done. But boils need to be treated. It might be a bacterial infection. Sometimes leading to severe pain and immobilization and needs antibiotic coverage. Very rarely there can be abscess formation and in that case you need an incision and drainage, but that is very rare. Usually pimples nothing to be done. They may come back. So you have to counsel the patient about hygiene, use of cotton panties, vaginal , vulval washes with lactic acid based solutions, cleanliness and hygiene needs to be counseled to the patient.
