What does Left Sided chest pain increasing while sleeping indicate? – Dr. Anantharaman Ramakrishnan

Many people complain of catch the left side of the chest and upper part of the abdomen so most often it is a polanic pain is actually not arising from any of the chest wall or the chest structures, so pollen travels from right to left and the left side of the transfer pollen is called the splenic flexure is closely applied to the diaphrum, so you can have a stitch on the side kind of feeling when you sleep so that is because of you feel gaseous distention which happens in this splenic flexure of the pollen. So, if not the indicate the cardiac problem especially when you are asleep and in the night when you are taking rest actually so in the lower left portion of the chest if there is a pain it is more likely to be colonic in origin. Alternatively any kind of mask or pleural effusion could also produce a discomfort but typically this do not increase suddenly in the night, so if something is happening. Melting that can be happening is actually air moving to the bowels especially after having had a meal and new resting so that can produce a little bit of pain in the side of the chest and it is usually not a cardiac chest pain.
