What Happens To The Souls Of Babies And Fetuses When They Pass Away?
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What Happens To The Souls Of Babies And Fetuses When They Pass Away?

So many mothers and would-be mothers approach me with heart wrenching stories about miscarriages, medical procedures that ended a pregnancy and the deaths of their babies. They ask me why these things happened, where the spirit of their children are currently located, and if they are okay.

In this video, I will answer these questions. I hope what you find here brings you peace and comfort.

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?Psychic Mediumship Through The Chakras – http://bit.ly/2Gazqjm
??‍♀️Easy Steps To Strengthen Your Clairvoyance – http://bit.ly/2IGZcwG
?‍?‍?‍?Connect With Deceased Friends and Family – http://bit.ly/2Q4SmFh

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