What Happens When Someone Dies From An Accident (car crash, overdose, fall, etc.)?
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What Happens When Someone Dies From An Accident (car crash, overdose, fall, etc.)?

Car accidents, innocent falls, accidental overdoses….there are many different ways that spirits can experience an accidental death.

But what happens to the souls of these spirits who didn’t have time to plan or ponder their death? What happens when all of their earthly plans come to a screeching halt without warning? What is the transition process like for them?

Unlike other forms of death, accidents have a very common archetypal experience in crossing over without many variations.

In this video, I’ll answer these questions, and explain what it’s like for a soul to cross over once their physical body has died due to an accident.

If you have a loved one in heaven that you want to connect with, be sure to check out my online program: “Embracing Heaven: Connect With Your Deceased Friends and Family.”
This course will teach you how to connect with your loved ones on the other side all on your own, without tools (like tarot or crystals) and without a psychic medium. Even if you aren’t psychic, this method will still work for you. Get the program here: https://courses.guidingechoes.com/courses/connect-with-your-deceased-friends-and-family

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For a private readings, visit my website at http://guidingechoes.com/schedule-your-reading.

?Psychic Mediumship Through The Chakras – http://bit.ly/2Gazqjm
??‍♀️Easy Steps To Strengthen Your Clairvoyance – http://bit.ly/2IGZcwG
?‍?‍?‍?Connect With Deceased Friends and Family – http://bit.ly/2Q4SmFh

Thank you for watching! I look forward to connecting with you!