Yaksha Prashna | Tales of Mahabharata | Animated Movie | Tamil Stories
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Yaksha Prashna | Tales of Mahabharata | Animated Movie | Tamil Stories

இந்த கதையின் முழுத்தொகுப்பையும் பார்த்து ரசிக்க download செய்யுங்கள்: https://www.magicbox.co.in/Mahabaratha-Stories-p202273341

The Yaksha Prashna, also known as the Dharma Baka Upakhyan or the Ashkardhama, is the story of a riddle contest between Yudhishthira and a yaksha in the Hindu epic Mahabharata. It appears in the Vana Parva, Aranyaka-Parva or Aranya-Parva and the story is set as the Pandavas end their twelve years of exile in the forest.

Check here for playlists: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2CGFKRt267t9LEW2hQYFCrex7nPB2tfm

Website: https://www.magicbox.co.in/

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