YERRPADHU EEGALCHI | தன் கையே தனக்குதவி | Pooja Teja Stories | Tamil Moral Stories
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YERRPADHU EEGALCHI | தன் கையே தனக்குதவி | Pooja Teja Stories | Tamil Moral Stories

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Even in the toughest of moments, accepting charity is considered a shameful act. One should live one’s life in pride and never depend on charity or alms. MagicBox Animation has explained this important principle of the Uyir Varukkam points of Avvayyar through the Aathichudi series. Watch as Pooja, Teja, and family explain the concept to a few beggars seeking alms before a temple.

Athichudi is a collection of 109 verses written on the goals in life and the positive habits one needs to adapt to life,
Written by the famous Poet Avvaiyar. MagicBox brings you a series of animated stories based on these goals quoted by avvaiyar, explaining their importance and how to implement them. So watch Pooja, Teja, and friends enact the stories and learn from them too.”

CLICK HERE FOR PLAYLIST (Avvaiyar Aathichchudi Kathaigal):


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