10 Hidden Reasons You Break Out And Get Acne
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10 Hidden Reasons You Break Out And Get Acne

Pimples are always an unpleasant surprise. However, they’re often caused by external factors and can be easily treated. Here are some of the most efficient ways to get rid of acne forever. Give it a try, and share your results in the comments!

10 Hidden Reasons You Break Out And Get Acne

10 Hidden Reasons You Break Out And Get Acne

– Back acne could be caused by backpack straps or tightly fitting synthetic clothes. If you have small red pimples, then it’s probably a reaction to cleaning agents or household chemicals.

– The most common cause of acne on your chest is an allergic reaction to washing powder or shower gel. Such pimples can also occur as a reaction to cold drinks, spices, and seafood.

– A tight collar may chafe your skin and cause pimples. Neck acne can also be a result of an allergy to shampoo or hair rinse.

– If you go to a swimming pool, sauna, or gym fairly often you may have caught a fungal infection that inflames and results in acne.

– Poor hygiene and tight-fitting synthetic clothes are the most common reasons when it comes to the appearance of leg acne.

– You don’t notice placing your hand on your cheek, scratching your nose, rubbing your chin. And it brings double damage: constant skin stretching leads to early wrinkles, and if you do it with dirty hands you can get an infection and get covered with acne.