10 Minutes of Cardio Every Day Does This To Your Body
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10 Minutes of Cardio Every Day Does This To Your Body

With the quarantine and all, ideally, we’d all be healthier this year than we were the year before.

However, constraints like money, time, and other aspects of life can make it harder to hit the gym regularly than we’d like.

But working out doesn’t have to be a sweat-inducing hour or two 4-5x a week.

Like most things in life, quality is once again superior to quantity when it comes to exercise.

And of course, consistency is also important.

Committing to a 10-minute exercise a day, specifically, a cardio workout can make a lot of difference in your fitness and overall wellness like helping you sleep better and helping burn calories.

And we will be talking more about those advantages and more next, so make sure to watch until the end.

Why cardio though?
Weightlifting has many dangers and doing it daily can exhaust your muscles, which can lead to injury.

But with cardio, it’s safe to do it every day, as long as it isn’t too intense and too long, say, 10-minutes of it.

Doing so can bring so many benefits to your body.

1. Heart health
Exercise’s number one benefit is improving one’s heart health.

Every time you workout, you’re strengthening your heart.

It also helps lower blood pressure.

By doing cardio every day, you also improve your muscles’ ability to draw oxygen from the blood, allowing your heart to exert less effort.

2. Weight control
Needless to say, when you’re physically active, you’re also losing weight.

Cardio is excellent for burning calories.

If you’ve already reduced some of your body fat and want to keep it this way, regular cardio can help you maintain your weight.

3. Increases stamina
Regular cardio helps build fitness in your muscles and lungs.

This explains why you easily got out of breath the first time you exercised after being without it for a while.

But over time, your endurance and conditioning will surely get better.

Asthmatic people can also benefit a lot from regular cardio.

4. Better sleep
Exercise helps improve your sleep quality.

The better you sleep, the better your cognitive function becomes.

Moreover, it helps with issues like depression, anxiety, and weight loss.

5. Lowers stress levels
Exercises release endorphins, which are chemicals that help boost your mood.

By getting a 10-minute cardio a day, you can be in “the zone”, wherein your focused attention helps shed stressful thoughts.

6. Improves skin
Good news! One way of getting clearer skin is by exercising.

So not only does it help you remove some fats, but you can also achieve a brighter, radiant skin.

This is possible because aerobic exercise improves blood flow and circulation, resulting in healthier, clearer skin.

7. Reduces the risk of disease
Consistent cardio workouts, even as short as 10 minutes, can help reduce the likelihood of various health problems.

Apart from all those advantages we’ve covered, it also helps you reduce the chances of getting a stroke and some types of cancer.

What’s more, it strengthens your immune system, aiding your body to combat diseases better.

Suffice it to say, cardio exercise brings in so many health perks.

If you know other benefits, just comment on them below.