10 Super Fruits and Veggies That Dramatically Boost Your Immune System
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10 Super Fruits and Veggies That Dramatically Boost Your Immune System

Nutrition experts will say that fighting off a virus is way more complex than just simply eating immune-boosting fruits and vegetables.

Nonetheless, feeding your body certain foods can help keep strengthen your immune system.

So, if you want to prevent flu, colds, and other minor infections, stocking up on some fruits and vegetables should be your first step.

Start planning your meals to include these 10 super fruits and veggies that will boost your immune system.

These include papaya, watermelon, broccoli, spinach, and many more, so make sure to stay tuned.

1. Blueberries
Blueberries are known as one of the fruits and veggies combined that contain the highest level of antioxidants.

It’s rich in flavonoids that directly raise antioxidant levels in the body.

A superfruit, indeed.

2. Lemons and limes
Citrus fruits like lemon and limes are packed with vitamin C.

And as you’ve learned in school, vitamin C is very useful for supporting immune health.

What’s more, these two fruits carry polyphenols, which help regulate immune responses.

3. Papaya
Speaking of vitamin C, papaya is also a superfruit with its high content of vitamin C.

In fact, one medium papaya contains double the daily recommended amount of vitamin C.

Papayas also have anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of a digestive enzyme called papain.

4. Cherries
Cherries have strong antioxidant effects, which help protect against the virus.

This superfruit has cyanidin and anthocyanins that help reduce inflammation.

In addition, cherries are loaded with potassium, thus, helping improve blood pressure and hydration.

5. Watermelon
Watermelon may be made mostly of water, but make no mistake, this fruit contains a heart-healthy compound called citrulline.

Plus, watermelons are rich in vitamins A, C, and B6.

The red flesh also provides your body with lycopene, making your bones stronger and your immune system more balanced.

6. Red bell peppers
You probably think citrus fruits are the king when it comes to vitamin C.

Red bell peppers actually have almost triple the amount of vitamin C in citrus fruits.

Furthermore, they’re rich in beta carotene that keeps your eyes and skin healthy.

7. Broccoli
Broccoli is filled with vitamins and minerals.

It’s one of the healthiest vegetables you can easily put in your place with its high content of vitamins A, C, E, fiber, and many other antioxidants.

The best way to maximize all its immune-boosting effects is to cook it as little as possible.

8. Garlic
Garlic can be found in just about every kitchen in the world.

It’s a staple, not to mention a must-have for your health.

Raw garlic has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

It can also convert to sulfur compounds which can improve white blood cell function.

9. Spinach
Besides being packed with vitamin C, spinach is also supercharged with several antioxidants as well as beta carotene.

As a result, it can increase the disease-fighting ability of your immune system.

Spinach is also healthiest when cooked as little as possible.

10. Shallot
Shallots are little onions that contain tons of allicin–a natural antibacterial compound.

Compared to their bigger counterparts, shallots have a milder and sweeter taste.

And of course, coming from the onion family, shallots have amazing anti-inflammatory powers.

Do you eat other fruits or vegetables that you think have helped you improve your immune system?

What are they? Let us know what else we missed in the comments below.