10 Things Guys Find ATTRACTIVE
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10 Things Guys Find ATTRACTIVE

This is the much anticipated response to “10 Things Guys Find Unattractive”

What do guys find attractive or sexy in a girl? (According to research!) This list counts down the most surprising, science based traits that men find attractive in girls, including unexpected things you may not associate with attraction, relationships, and dating.

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Hello everybody. I hope you’re all having an amazing week. So if you have a crush on a guy you definitely want him to find you attractive. So today I’m totally dishing the dirt, because as a relationship therapist with a doctoral degree in psychology, this video is the 10 surprising things that guys find attractive.
If this is your first time at “Ask Kimberly,” I’m currently doing a scent giveaway because we all know that scent is such a huge part of attraction. This is the new Charlotte Tilbury scent. It’s so amazing, Scent of a Dream. The only requirement to enter the giveaway is to be subscribed to this channel ask Kimberly on YouTube and follow me on Instagram here, and the winner will be announced on October 1st. All right, you guys I know you’re waiting for it. Let’s get right into the video.
So the first surprising thing that guys find attractive is actually a high-pitched voice. This is likely because a high-pitched voice resembles someone who’s young or youthfulness. So how can you get more high-pitched voice? Well you can start by trying a helium balloon. Guys, I’m just kidding. Obviously you can’t change your voice. This one is just for people like me who have little tiny high-pitched voices. Now you can just work it and not be embarrassed and actually, the guy might find it very attractive.
The second thing that guys find a super attractive is a quirky personality. Maybe you were obsessed with Pokémon before Pokémon Go became cool and made Pokémon cool again, or you like collect trolls, or you love singing karaoke. These things that you love are all part of what make you really super special and unique so quickly nerdy girls unite.
Okay guys, the number three is boobs. Okay, I’m kidding. Actually, I’m kind of not. Research shows that men are evolutionarily turned on by soft, round shapes, which is why it’s not hard to turn a guy’s head when you’re actually bearing cleavage. But I know that my girls, you guys love to keep it classy so there’s absolutely no need to walk around in a bikini, to get a guy’s attention. anyone can create the illusion of soft, round shapes by wearing a dress that accentuates your waist, playing up the soft round curves of your hair, or even barring a shoulder or two if you feel up for it.
Number four is sweat. This one is primarily biological, because sweating releases chemicals that can help your crush determine if you are match. If you’re like working out, or you’re like at a club or dance or something, there’s no need to be embarrassed that you’re sweating because it might actually be turning him on.
The fifth thing that guys find attractive is when you’re a freaking boss. This one works really well if you’re already in a leadership position like you’re on the student council or if you run your own company, like me. This one shows that you have your act together, you’re not afraid to speak up for what you want, and that you can act authoritative when you need to. Even if you aren’t in a leadership position in your life yet you can totally practice being a boss around your crush and you can do this by being decisive, asking for what you want, and not apologizing for what you have to say.
Six is showing interest. Research shows that if you act genuinely interested in another person that person will naturally start to feel more attracted to you. And how do you act genuinely interested in someone? If this doesn’t already just come naturally to you, the thought of talking to your crush just makes you freeze completely like turn beet-red, you can do this by just asking questions, listening intently, and also practicing some positive body language which includes leaning in, smiling, and making eye contact.
Number seven, guys find intelligence super attractive. Gone are the days when a girl would have to act like dumb or helpless to get a guy’s attention. Today’s guys value and appreciate a girl who’s intelligent and there are so many different kinds of intelligence, so whether it’s social, academic, artistic, musical, whatever yours is don’t be afraid to show that off around your crush and to the rest of the world.
Number eight is kind of complicated.