11 Behavior Types That’ll Help You Spot a Liar
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11 Behavior Types That’ll Help You Spot a Liar

It’s easy to spot a liar through a text message. We’ve got 11 types of texting behavior that will help you detect lies.
People think that it’s much easier to get away with telling lies while texting: the liar doesn’t have to look you in the eye, and you don’t see their facial expression, fear or confusion. They also don’t have to respond quickly, so they can thoroughly plan their deceptive response. And even though all of these advantages are true, it’s still possible to spot a liar through a text message.

Long sentences 0:40
Tricky wording 1:19
Repeating information 2:09
A delayed response 2:56
Long typing 3:29
No answer at all 4:15
Calling to conscience 4:59
Finger pointing 5:35
Out of options 6:24
Playing possum 6:50
Complaining 7:13

– A liar subconsciously tries to hide their lies between the lines. Research by Cornell University proved that a false sentence is usually longer than a true one. When the subjects of the study had to tell lies, their sentences were one word longer on average.
– Liars tend to use words that express probability or insecurity to avoid talking directly and decisively. The Cornell research mentioned earlier also showed that women who had to tell lies used words such as “probably”, “maybe”, “try” and some others of the same nature, more often than usual.
– They’ll repeat lies over and over and over again until you believe them. Like we said before, people try to be as brief as possible in their texts, so if you notice that someone is repeating the same thing again and again, they may be doing it to convince you of something that isn’t true.
– If you ask someone a simple question, and it takes them forever to answer it, even though moments before they were going back and forth with you just fine, you might have a liar on your hands.
– If you’re texting a person who you know can type quickly, then taking a long time to type a short answer is pretty suspicious. What they actually might be doing is correcting their original message to make it look more convincing or to see if their storylines up, but in the end, deciding not to send it at all.
– A person can try to change the topic of the conversation or just go offline, pretending to be busy or lose their signal. Their train of thought is “I’ll buy some time now, and then she’ll forget what she’d asked.”
– People are very vulnerable beings, and liars love taking advantage of this. Some liars try to make you feel guilty for even asking a question. You see, if you accuse someone of something they didn’t do, they don’t get defensive because they know that they’ve got nothing to hide.
– They start probing you with questions and pointing the finger at you until you feel like you have to defend yourself. For example, you ask someone if they deleted some of your pictures.
– To stay on the safe side, a liar might test your possible reaction first. What if you get mad if they tell you the truth? Or maybe, you don’t care and they’re safe to confess? That’s why liars often say something like, “What if I said yes?”
– They say something like, “Do you need the answer now?” They hope that you’ll be too polite to push, that you’ll give them some time to think.
– If they tell you that they have a headache and that’s why they can’t talk right now, this is just bogus! Show no mercy and keep on asking the question you want the true answer to. Say something like, “Look, just answer my question and then you can get some rest. It’ll take just a second, and then you’ll have all the time in the world to get better.”

Do you know any other signs of lies in texting? If so, please tell us in the comments below!

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