12 Week Weight Loss Journey for Men
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12 Week Weight Loss Journey for Men

Starting a 12-week weight loss workout program may sound tedious, that’s for sure.

However, being physically active can be more enjoyable than you think, especially with the right weight loss program in place.

The key here is to take several small tips to get started then building up endurance and intensity as you go.

Combined with a healthy eating plan, a 12-week weight loss workout plan can get you the results you’ve always wanted, helping you lose up to 12 to 25 pounds of fat.

Continue watching this video to get started.

You may choose among the weight loss workout routines (e.g., strength and cardiovascular weight loss workouts) or just switch things up.

Cardiovascular weight loss workouts

To maximize your weight loss plans, aim to complete cardiovascular workouts most days of the week.

According to research, a healthy diet paired with 45 minutes of aerobic exercise in most days of the week is linked to a lower body mass index, waist circumference, and body fat percentage.

Pick one or more of the following exercises to incorporate in your routine:

– Jogging
– Swimming
– Cycling
– Rope jumping
– Rowing
– Stair climbing
– Walking uphill
– Playing soccer
– Playing basketballs

Select continuous cardiovascular exercise at a moderate intensity for 45 minutes.

Another option is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for 20-30 minutes.

During HIIT, you alternate high-intensity aerobic exercise with lower-intensity recovery periods.

For instance, after warming up, you might alternate sprinting for 30-60 seconds with jogging for 1-2 minutes.

Strength weight loss workouts

Strength training helps you build muscles, thus, increasing your metabolism and burning more calories.

During your 12-week weight loss plan, switch up muscle groups you work to prevent training the same muscles 2 days in a row.

For example, you can try:

Day 1: legs, calves, abs, glutes
Day 2: back, abs, shoulders
Day 3: chest, arms, and abs
Day 4: rest, yoga, or walking

Then repeat in the same order.

Aim for 3 to 5 sets each strength training exercise and finish 10 to 20 repetitions per set if it’s doable.

At-home circuit training workout plans

Don’t have a gym membership? Too tired to go outside?

No worries, this is what at-home circuit training workouts are for.

Ideally, you should alternate exercises from the aerobic group with those in the strength training category.

Aerobic Exercises
– Burpees
– High knees
– Jogging in place
– Jumping jacks
– Mountain climbers

Strength Training Exercises
– Dumbbell squats
– Alternating dumbbell lunges
– Walking dumbbell lunges
– Box jumps
– Wall sits

– Lateral biceps curls
– Hammer curls
– Triceps kickbacks
– Triceps pushups
– Triceps dips

– Standing shoulder press
– Incline shoulder press
– Front raises
– Lateral raises
– Standing upright rows

– Pushups
– Bench press
– Incline chest press
– Chest flys

– Deadlifts
– Bent-over rows
– Plank rows
– Back extensions

– Sit-ups
– Crunches
– Bicycle crunches
– Leg raises
– Russian twists

Healthy eating tip:

Some foods can help burn fats.

To plan out your meal and snack, pick a good balance of:
Non-starchy veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, and carrots.

Nutritious protein foods like chicken, protein shakes, eggs, and seafood.

Fiber-rich carbs like peas, black lentils, and whole grains

Healthy fats like avocados, fish oil, and nuts.