5 Easy Tricks to Lose Love Handles Fast
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5 Easy Tricks to Lose Love Handles Fast

Don’t be fooled by their cute name.

Love handles are virtually everyone’s enemy.

And it’s just a fancy name for excess fat that’s accumulated on the waist and hangs over the top of your pants–you get the picture.

And as you may already know, this kind of fat is infamous for being a challenge to lose.

Many target this certain area with countless side crunches and other abdominal moves that target the muscles down the sides of the torso.

Sorry to break it to you, but this isn’t an effective way to lose those love handles.

To get rid of those fats for good, you need a combination of dietary and exercise changes.

For instance, this could include cutting added sugar and doing cardio, which we will be covering for the next remaining minutes so stay tuned.

Say goodbye to added sugar
Healthy eating is crucial if you wish to lose fat in certain areas of your body.

One way to do this is to reduce, or better yet, ditch added sugar.

Added sugar is found in foods and beverages like candies, cookies, sodas, and sports drinks.

Apart from being linked to several health issues like diabetes and heart disease, having too much sugar can lead to an increase in body fats, especially in the belly area.

Thus, to lose love handles, cut back added sugar in your diet.

Eat healthy fats instead
Filling up on foods rich in healthy fats like avocados, fatty fish, and olive oil can help slim your waistline.

They’re not only delicious, but they make you feel full, leading to less caloric consumption throughout the day.

One study revealed that people who had a high-fat Mediterranean diet coupled with olive oil experienced a significant loss in weight and had less belly fat than those on a low-fat diet.

Fill up on fiber
Another dietary change you should consider is eating more soluble fiber.

Soluble fiber is found in beans, oats, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

It keeps you feeling full for longer periods by slowing down digestion and minimizing hunger pangs.

Such fullness can decrease the number of calories you consume throughout the day, thereby, resulting in weight loss.

Even by increasing your soluble fiber intake by 10 grams a day can help you lose a substantial amount of visceral fat.

Focus on whole-body moves
You may be tempted to exercise only a certain part of your body, but, believe it or not, working out your whole body is a more effective way to lose love handles.

Several studies showed that spot training isn’t a worthwhile solution to reduce stubborn fat.

Instead, you should incorporate whole-body moves into your routine and some aerobic exercises that engage several muscles at once.

Increase your cardio
Cardiovascular or aerobic exercises are characterized by any physical activity that speeds up your heart rate for an extended period.

These kinds of workouts help burn calories and reduce excess body fat.

In turn, it can help slim down your love handles.

For beginners, you can start with easier workouts like brisk walking or swimming perhaps.

Just make sure to work out at least 20 minutes per day.

Easy, right? Lose your handles fast by following those five tricks.

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