5 Essential Diet tips to QUICKLY Bulk Up
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5 Essential Diet tips to QUICKLY Bulk Up

Two of the top bodybuilding concepts most people know are gaining muscles and losing fat.

Another one is bulking up.

Bulking up is an essential phase that every bodybuilder goes through when they want to pack huge muscles.

But specifically to skinny guys, bulking up is a quick way to grow bigger.

Diet and workout are two important factors in the bulking process.

In this video, we will be focusing on the first aspect–diet.

There are essential diet tips you must consider if your goal is to QUICKLY bulk up.

This could include increasing your protein consumption, which we will be talking more about in a few seconds so don’t leave just yet!

1. Eat more
To gain more muscles, then naturally, you need to boost your calorie intake.

This means you must eat more.

If your body isn’t consuming more calories than it is burning throughout the day, there’d be no muscle gain.

Your diet should be composed of nutritious, unprocessed foods that are chock full of protein, carbs, healthy unsaturated fats, and other nutrients important for muscle growth.

2. Increase your protein intake
Protein is a crucial nutrient as it provides your body with amino acids, which are integral for building and repairing muscles.

In this muscle-building journey, protein will be your new buddy.

Make sure to eat good quality protein with every meal and snack.

Opt for healthy, lean protein foods like eggs, lean meat, legumes, fish, chicken, and low-fat dairy.

For snacks, go for nuts and seeds, muesli, yogurt, and protein bars.

3. Incorporate some carbs into all your meals
Most people are focused too much on powering up their protein intake that they skimp on the carbs.

As you train with more intensity and heavier weights, the more energy you will need.

Carbohydrates will give you the energy you need to fuel the muscles and stimulate muscle growth.

Plus, the more energized you are, the more number of reps and heavier weights you can perform, hence, boosting your workout results.

Go for complex carbs like grainy bread, whole grains, brown rice, whole oats, and root vegetables.

4. Don’t neglect your micros
Although there’s little research only about the effects of vitamins and minerals on muscle growth, it’s no brainer that micronutrients are essential for overall health and functioning.

Without these micronutrients, you won’t be able to perform enough and effectively on your workouts.

Oxidative stress caused by training can also inhibit muscle growth.

Thus, it’s crucial to load up on antioxidant-rich foods.

Add your plate with some nutrient-rich fruits and veggies, but focus more on macronutrients for your pre or post-workout shake.

5. Drink a protein shake before or after a workout
So many kinds of protein powders are available on the market.

You can opt for a whey-based protein powder, for starters.

If you aren’t a fan of them because they take a while to digest, you can choose a brown-rice-based protein powder, instead, since it’s rich with protein without upsetting your stomach.

Just make sure not to go overboard with protein shakes as you may put on fat.

Do you have other diet tips in mind that have helped you or other people you know bulked up?

Mind comparing notes?

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