5 Essential Foods to Include For Bulking Up
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5 Essential Foods to Include For Bulking Up

Want to boost your muscle mass?

If so, then calories would be your new best friend.

But we aren’t talking about just any old calories.

Just because you’re bulking up doesn’t mean you have free reign on what you eat.

In fact, it’s highly recommended to consume good-quality carbs that will give you the necessary energy to build muscle mass.

Additionally, you will also need high-quality protein to assist the building of muscles.

Filling up on the wrong foods can seriously ruin your progress.

As such, it’s crucial to know what foods you need to include in your diet that will boost your bulking up efforts.

Such foods include nuts and salmon–as to why and how they help, find out by watching this video.

1. Whole milk and cottage cheese
Let me guess–you’ve been avoiding dairy because you want to get ripped?

Well, the good news is that you can now go for some dairy products.

Whole milk is rich in protein and calcium.

What’s more, it’s a great food to add extra fat and calories to your diet.

The same goes for cottage cheese.

Both of these foods are excellent sources of protein to help build muscle.

Meanwhile, the fat and carbohydrate content helps restore muscle glycogen stores and maximize your muscle-building potential.

2. Avocado
While avocados don’t have much protein or carbs, they’re perfect to go together with your protein and calorie-rich diet.

This will ensure that you get the right combination of fats, providing a balanced nutrient intake.

Avocados also have monounsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid, which adds healthy calories and fat to your diet.

Moreover, this fruit has high levels of antioxidants and vitamin E, which improves your overall well-being.

3. Nuts and nut butter
Nuts enthusiasts and lovers, behold!

These little chunks of life are energy-dense and packed with healthy monounsaturated fats.

This makes nuts, as well as nut butter, perfect foods for bulking up.

Small servings of nuts alone contain up to 300 calories per 50 grams, in addition to protein and fat.

What’s more, they’re full of essential micronutrients and minerals that are integral in maintaining a healthy body and building muscle mass.

Whenever you feel hungry, snack on a handful of nuts, or perhaps, have a banana soaked in peanut butter.

4. Lean beef
Lean sources of protein are the champion when it comes to achieving a great physique.

Still, red meat is great for bulking.

For instance, red meat is chock full of fat and protein, and when eaten regularly, can significantly help the growth of muscle mass.

Also, red meat is high in heme iron, which is essential in building muscle and when training hard.

5. Salmon
Did you know that fresh salmon contains more than 20 grams of protein per 100 grams?

Better yet, a single serving of salmon provides your entire recommended daily intake of omega 3 fats.

This type of fat acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and supports muscle cell recovery.

Salmon also has high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are extremely healthy and perfect for clean bulking.

Are you reading to stock your refrigerator with those bulking-up foods?

Which ones will you be eating regularly?

Tell us what you think in the comment section below.