5 Exercises that will burn your side fat
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5 Exercises that will burn your side fat

Love handles, despite its seemingly positive name, is something most of us don’t like having.

Got lots of them but aren’t making progress on getting rid of them?

Have you tried exercising to specifically target those side fats?

Side fats are typically the first to appear and the last to go away.

Apart from making you look unappealing, side fats can also indicate certain underlying health conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease.

Lucky for you, there are certain exercises that will help you get rid of your love handles.

Some of these exercises are probably familiar to you such as side oblique crunches and heel touches, which you learn more about and three others in this video.

So, keep watching, alright?

1. Oblique crunch – 10 reps each side
Oblique crunch, as its name suggests, targets the oblique muscles and helps in removing all the side fats.

Lie on your back and lift your legs, bending your knees until your calves are positioned horizontally.

Place your left hand behind your head and your right arm straightened at your side.

Next, press your right forearm to the floor, then lift your left torso and try to touch your left elbow to your left knee.

When lifting your left torso, turn your left knee towards your left elbow.

Then repeat on the other side.

2. Mermaid – 15 reps
Mermaid is a pilates move that focuses on your side muscles.

It’s ideal for killing love handles.

Lie down on your right side and have your legs straight while your feet are stacked together.

Keep your ankles together.

Also, keep your legs slightly forward so you’re resting on your bum cheek, instead of your hip.

Lift your legs as high as you can then lower them back down.

3. Side plank circles – 20 circles each, clockwise and counterclockwise
Side plank circles are like an all-in-one form of exercise as it targets side fats, oblique muscles, muffin tops, and lower belly pooch and tones your bum.

To start, get in a side plank position then lower your knee until it’s close to the ground.

From there, lift your upper leg so that it’s horizontal and straight.

Afterward, you can start tracing big circles using that leg.

4. Heel touches – 15 reps each side
Lie flat on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms by your sides.

Lift your chest towards the ceiling, and bring your right hand down toward your right heel.

Don’t worry if you can’t touch it.

Instead, just try to reach as far as you can.

Then, bring your arm back up and your left arm down toward your left heel.

5. Leg lifts – 15 reps
Leg lifts are incredibly effective in getting rid of the lower belly fat and muffin tops.

To do this, keep your back and feet flat on the ground.

Put your hand under your bum and straighten both your legs.

Next, raise your legs as high as you can then lower them back without touching the ground.

Always keep your legs straight.

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