5 Top Causes of Itchy skin? – Dr. Urmila Nischal
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5 Top Causes of Itchy skin? – Dr. Urmila Nischal

Itchy skin means you get a sensation of scratching your skin and we call it in medical terminology as pruritis. So in what cases do we get the itchy skin? Most common cause, dry skin. Skin is the barrier or the protective organ of our body. So what it does is, it protects us against all the external factors. When the skin is dry, there are minute openings or cracks in the skin. So this gives as a gateway to all the organisms and irritants. So it can cause irritation and thereby itching of the skin, suppose if there is some allergic contact dermatitis some particular ingredient which you are come in contact, you get itching, you get allergic, you get itching. You get itching when there is redness. So you get itching when something is healing, because the healing releases a lot of inflammatory factors. That is why you experience itching of the skin. The other cause of itching is irritant contact dermatitis, anything coming in contact with the skin causes itching, blistering and all. So any condition which causes irritation of the skin, sensitisation of the skin or little bit inflammation of the skin can give rise to itchy skin conditions. The other skin condition it is called as urticaria where along with itching you get redness and red colour bumps as well. So there are lots of skin conditions where you get itchiness. So you have to take care according to the cause. So if you treat the cause, the itching is gone.