5 ways to get rid of white spots on the face of your child – Dr. Rajdeep Mysore
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5 ways to get rid of white spots on the face of your child – Dr. Rajdeep Mysore

Is your child recurrently having mild whitish spots on the face. This could be a condition called as pityrisasis alba and your child would definitely benefit from using moisturiser regularly. Another thing would be avoiding sunlight regularly, too much of sunlight can aggravate these patches and sometimes sun allergy can also present as white spots. If it is not responding to moisturisers or sunscreens, it is better if you could visit a nearby dermatologist to rule out if it could be a condition called as vitiligo. Vitiligo responds well early in the stage of the disease and the treatment should not be delayed. If the treatment is delayed, many times the medicines are not able to get back the colour completely. So in case of any doubt, you can always start off with a moisturiser and if there is no response, use a sunscreen and if there is still no response immediately then visit your nearby dermatologist.