6 Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water
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6 Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

Have you been drinking enough water lately?

Do you know how important it is to your body? Well, we’re pretty sure you’ve heard a lot about why you need to drink lots and lots of water.

For the most part, the human body is composed of water, and we need to a particular amount of water to be hale and hearty. In fact, water is second only to oxygen. It’s important to note that your blood is made up of 83% water; muscles and kidneys are composed of 73% water%; lungs contain 90% water, and your brain is made up of 76% water.

It’s important to note that our body loses water on a daily basis through sweat and urine, and that’s exactly why replenishment is critical.

As we all know, it’s recommended to drink between 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, but most of us fail to meet up with this amount.

Now, the bad news is, the human body is very likely to get dehydrated when you do not consume the recommended amount of water, and there are quite a number of symptoms that indicate that you need to replenish your system.

So what are these signs and symptoms?

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