60 Seconds A Day To 6-Pack Abs WITHOUT Doing 1000’s of Sit-Ups!
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60 Seconds A Day To 6-Pack Abs WITHOUT Doing 1000’s of Sit-Ups!

What exercise comes to mind when you think flat stomach and 6-pack abs?

At this point, chances are you’re thinking countless sit-ups, crunches and other hardcore exercises.

But hey, you don’t have to go through so much stress and pain to get the body of your dreams.

Yes, there’s actually a simple yet super effective core exercise that can help tone your stomach and give you the 6-pack abs you’ve always wanted!

What exercise are we talking about?
Well, it’s none other than plank! You might not know this but plank (especially when done the right way) can tone the abdominal muscles and strengthen the entire core area.

In this video, we’re going to walk you through the steps to perform proper planks that are sure to drive great results — even way quicker than you expected!

Sounds good? Let’s dive right in!
Note: planks can be done anytime — morning or evening; it’s up to you to choose!

It’s however important to note that this exercise works best when you haven’t eaten much.

Pretty sure you get the point!

Steps to do Planks Properly:
• Start on your hands and knees while in a position where your stomach is facing the ground.
• Now place your forearms on the floor ensuring that they’re at a shoulder-width apart distance with your palms flat on the ground.
• Lift your head while facing the floor and keeping your spine parallel to the ground.
• Now raise your body in such a way that it will be supported only by your forearms and toes. Also, be sure that your entire body forms a straight line — right from the top of your head to the heels.
• Tighten the core and remain in the position for at least 20 seconds.
• Once the time elapses, lower your knees to the ground and rest for 10 seconds.
• Repeat as many times as possible until you can go beyond 20 seconds.
• For best results, perform 5 to 6 times per week. Trust me, you’re sure to see impressive changes in less than a month!
Note: As a newbie, you can hold the plank position for 20 seconds but of course, 60 seconds is the target.

Of course, the big idea here is to hold the position for longer — that’s the only way to see mind-blowing results!
The best part? Planks do more than helping you get flat chiseled abs!

Yes, they can also strengthen your joints, increase flexibility, boost metabolism and reduce your risk of injury.
So what are you waiting for? Throw on your workout clothes and start working those abs today!

Good luck!

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