How to Get Rid of Gingivitis at Home (Gum Disease)
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How to Get Rid of Gingivitis at Home (Gum Disease)

A mild form of gum disease, also known as gingivitis, can affect people without them even realizing it. Most who suffer from it think that their gums are simply irritated, puffy, or swollen.

When plaque forms on the teeth from not brushing and flossing, people develop gingivitis. Untreated, it can go from a mild form of gum disease to periodontitis—a more serious infection. Even worse, it can lead to tooth decay.

To avoid gingivitis, make sure to practice good oral hygiene and adopt these home remedies into your routine.

1. Onion

Onions contain antiseptic and antimicrobial compounds that help treat oral infections that irritate your gums.

Its sulfur compounds provide relief from the pain and symptoms caused by germ proliferation in the buccal cavity.

Cut a piece of raw onion and chew it for a few minutes to relieve pain.

You can also make a little onion juice and apply it with a piece of cotton.

Repeat this procedure until the inflammation goes away.

2. Lemon

Fresh lemon juice is an economic and effective way to soothe sore, inflamed gums.

It’s antibacterial compounds calm infections and create a protective barrier agains the bacteria that cause halitosis.

Mix some fresh lemon juice in warm water and use it as a mouthwash.

Repeat this procedure three times a day, every day.

3. Clove oil

Clove oil contains active compounds that have powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, perfect for treating this kind of problem.

It’s antibacterial agents lower the number of infection causing bacteria and, consequently, help beat bad breath.

Moisten a wad of cotton with clove oil and hold it on the affected area for two or three minutes.

Repeat this procedure twice a day.

4. Blueberry juice

Natural blueberry juice contains powerful antioxidants and active anti-inflammatory properties that help improve oral health.

It’s nutrients regulate our saliva’s pH and help slow down fungal and bacterial growth.

5. Peroxide

A mouthwash made with peroxide could help control gingivitis and other infections that affect our gum’s health.

This liquid is a powerful antimicrobial that helps fight infections.


– 2 tablespoons of peroxide (20 milliliters)
-1/2 cup of water

Mix the peroxide in the water and rinse with it for about two minutes after brushing your teeth. Repeat this procedure two or three times per day.

If the symptoms do not disappear after a few days, check with your dentist to find out where they are coming from.


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