3 Reasons Why You Should Pee in The Shower
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3 Reasons Why You Should Pee in The Shower

If you’ve never peed in the shower before, you probably think it’s gross or weird.

But this is more normal than you might imagine: an poll administered to over one hundred thousand people by Glamour magazine, shows that 75% of them normally pee in the shower. No matter what you think about it, you probably had no idea that this simple act could have so many benefits.

Here are 3 good reasons to pee in the shower:

It saves water

Did you know that flushing the toilet normally uses from 6 to 10 liters of water? If we consider that a person pees 7 times a day, on average, and multiply that number times the population of the USA, then we’re talking billions of liters of water a day, just to flush the toilet. Showering also takes up a lot of water, so peeing while showering is a great way to save water.

In order to avoid bad odors, pee close to the drain and let all the soapy water wash it down once you’re done. You be saving water and taking care of the planet at the same time!

It keeps your bathroom cleaner for longer

Every time we use the restroom, we’re one step closer to having to clean it. And if you’re a man, some accidents tend to happen, no matter how great your aim is. No one really likes to clean the bathroom, so peeing in the shower will keep your bathroom cleaner, for longer.

It could help you get rid of athlete’s foot

Even though it hasn’t been scientifically proven, this home remedy has been passed down for centuries, and many people swear by it! Since it contains urea, a substance that is used in several anti fungal creams, urine is frequently used to treat athlete’s foot and other fungal infections.

For more information and references, check the article on our blog:

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