Difference between Premenstrual and Early Pregnancy symptoms – Dr. Beena Jeysingh
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Difference between Premenstrual and Early Pregnancy symptoms – Dr. Beena Jeysingh

You have missed your periods and your anxious whether you’re pregnant but suddenly start experiencing the symptoms that you have experience previously premenstrual phase. So it is pregnancy or just another delay period. Yes, you can have the confusion because there are few symptoms occur commonly both in the premenstrual phase as well as in the early weeks of pregnancy so what are the symptoms. The most common is heaviness of sourness of breast. In premenstrual phase it typically starts about a weak prior to on sit of the periods and once the periods starts it’s disappear. But during pregnancy it can extent during the early weeks of pregnancy even after end of the first trimester. The other common symptom is craving for food or aversion for food. In the premenstrual phase most of the women, cray for sugary and salty food and as you know once the period starts it just vanishes but during the early weeks of pregnancy women to experience craving but initially to one particular type of food, more than craving its more of aversion to even the taste, smell and size of food. Crapping of the lower abdomen but in a premenstrual phase it normally starts about a day or two prior to the periods during the pregnancy it can be there in milder form on and off during the first two week of pregnancy. Very rarely have we heard patient complaining about itching breast but itching breast are not commonly associated the future of premenstrual syndrome during the early weeks of pregnancy it is more an indication of dry skin. So, you have missed your periods do not go with the symptoms but rather to confirm your pregnancy with a pregnancy test.