Are high ESR & dry cough during 2nd trimester of pregnancy harmful? – Dr. H S Chandrika
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Are high ESR & dry cough during 2nd trimester of pregnancy harmful? – Dr. H S Chandrika

Coming to the question of high ESR and dry cough, it is a thing to be tackled to because it will worry some patients and also sometimes it can have some cause which has to be properly treated. First of all, the problem of this dry cough. It is a very annoying symptom for the patients because already she is having tummy and continuous cough, especially dry cough will irritate her stomach so much ad she will be strained so much and because of that she will be investigated so much and she has to be dealt with according to the report. So dry cough and high ESR , sometimes we have to think about some special infections like tuberculosis, but sometimes it can be simple things like routine allergic bronchitis, sometimes allergies of the throat or it can be due to mild to moderate infections of the throat or the lungs. Depending on the findings of investigations and after examining the patient, we have to tackle it accordingly and according to the investigation, the hemoglobin looks like moderate case if anemia and it has to be tackled by replacing it with iron and it is a very simple things and coming to the WBC count, towards the higher end of the normal which may indicate that there is an onset of infection in the respiratory system or in some other parts of the body also. So depending on the cause of that particular thing, which can be known by examining the patient, it will be tackled properly by your doctor and sometimes we have to always think about tuberculosis and it has to be properly handled, especially in pregnant ladies. Coming to the platelet count, it looks almost within the normal range and there is nothing to worry about that.