Astigmatism Explained
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Astigmatism Explained

What is Astigmatism? How does corneal astigmatism affect vision? Can you get LASIK with astigmatism? ?SUBSCRIBE?

In this video I cover:
– the basic cause of astigmatism
– how astigmatism is calculated
– how astigmatism can be corrected
– how to read the astigmatism correction on a glasses prescription
– what vision looks like when you have astigmatism

Quick Facts about astigmatism
Astigmatism can cause blurred vision at ALL distances (near, intermediate and far).

Astigmatism is not considered a disease except in extreme cases.

It is normal for astigmatism to change as we age.

At high powers, a small change in astigmatism correction can make a huge difference to visual performance.

LASIK can correct up to 5-6 Diopters of astigmatism

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Systane Complete for Dry eye
Bruder Moist Heat Compress
EyePromise Restore Eye Vitamins
EyePromise AREDS2 Eye Vitamins
Omega 3 for Dry Eye

———Cameras and Gear Used To Shoot This Video ——-
Canon SL2

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Eye Anatomy photo-National Eye Institute

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About This Video:
In this video Joseph J. Allen, O.D discusses corneal astigmatism and its effect on vision. If you are researching how astigmatism can affect the eyes, check out this video. The subject of astigmatism can be very complex and many people don’t understand how it affects the eyes, vision, and glasses prescriptions. In this video, you’ll learn about how astigmatism is measured, corrected, and what vision may look like through uncorrected astigmatism.
#Doctoreyehealth #Astigmatism #eyehealth #vision #eyesight