Can bleeding occur in early pregnancy? – Dr. Phani Madhuri
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Can bleeding occur in early pregnancy? – Dr. Phani Madhuri

Can there be bleeding in early pregnancy? Bleeding in early pregnancy is very common as it happens in 3 – 5% pregnancies especially common after patients who have conceived after fertility treatments. So what happens in early pregnancy? In early pregnancy the growing embryo buried into the uterus to try to get the blood supply from the mother, to enhance its position and starts growing. So when this is happening, the small fetus is trying to grow bigger to occupy the whole uterus. During this process, sometimes it can bleed and it is called as implantation bleeding and it is quite common and not to be worried. It could be a worry to the doctor and the patient if the quality of the pregnancy is not going ahead in the expected manner. That is when the bleeding is significant and can be a worry. How to determine the quality of the pregnancy? Even if there is bleeding, the growth of the fetus is see as expected in the due course of time, the increase in the sac size, appearance of fetal pole, appearance of the heart beat of the fetus. Bleeding can be from the implantation bleed not bleed from the raw surface of the uterus. Sometimes the growth of the fetus cannot be appropriate and the bleeding could start and be heavy and associated with cramping in the lower abdomen. These are the signs of early miscarriage or threatened miscarriage where we have to aggressively act upon. There is a condition called as sub chorionic hematoma where the fetus is invading into the uterine wall and a little vessels which can bleed a little more than expected and there can be a small collection of bleed being the implanting embryo and can bleed form the internal oz to the external oz in the form of dark bleeds or even fresh bleeds. As long as the fetus is growing, it is fine. Can be supported with various medications ,hemostatic, rest.