Can misoprostol tablet be taken oral with water? – Dr. Sangeeta Gomes
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Can misoprostol tablet be taken oral with water? – Dr. Sangeeta Gomes

Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin analogue PGE1. It is used for inducing abortion. It can cause contractions of the uterus, expelling the pregnancy. It maybe painful as it is associated with lower abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and more bleeding. Taking of this tablet should be done under doctor’s supervision as there is a risk of heavy bleeding. Before taking the tablet, note that, it should be a confirmed intrauterine pregnancy with an ultrasound done to the gestational age. Ectopoic pregnancy to be ruled out. The various routes of administration are oral, sublingual, vaginal with water and rectal. Side effects for both, whether it is oral or sublingual, seems to be the same Even regarding the efficacy it needs to be the same. Metabolism is in the liver, excretion is in the urine. Half life is 20 – 40 minutes. Rectal route is used following delivery to prevent post partum change.