Can one alter fetal position from tranverse position in 32 weeks of gestation?- Dr. Nupur Sood
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Can one alter fetal position from tranverse position in 32 weeks of gestation?- Dr. Nupur Sood

During the 32 weeks of gestation, that is the 8th month if the baby is not in the correct positon, that is in the transverse line, that is the head is lying laterally instead of the lower pole of the uterus, we have a procedure called as the external cephalic version or an ECV where a breech or a transverse lie can be corrected back to cephalic positon, but it has certain predetermants, such as you should not be a person who has a chance of going into labour. If you are an Rh negative person, you should receive the anti D injection at that time and you r placenta should not be low lying, you need certain expertise and an experienced person to do it. Certain drugs called as tocolytics will be given to you at that time and for a few days after the procedure so that the uterus is relaxed and delivery pains do not start beforehand. Even if this version proves is done, there is still a chance that it can reconvert back from the cephalic into another position, say oblique, transverse or breech again. So it is to a 100% method, but yes, if advisable as if it is allowed, you can go for it.