Causes of stomach pain after exercises – Dr. Sanjay Phutane
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Causes of stomach pain after exercises – Dr. Sanjay Phutane

Stomach pain or the abdominal cramps what you call is because of the fact that you have not exercised earlier, and you have started exercising suddenly. Well, don’t worry about it, continue exercising, its because of cramps and the spasms that occur when you start exercising, while continuing the exercises, cramps or spasms ease out , because of changes which happen in the muscles which you get this cramps, nevertheless don’worry about it, continue with great zeal and enthusiasm the exercises that you are doing, if you are very very bad exercise, do consult your physician, otherwise, let the number of cramps here and there is very normal when you start exercising if you are a nowise. Don’t worry about it, just continue exercises, started something good, do not stop because of a small pain and cramps that you have, until you have good health in the future.