Common causes of ulcers on tongue in your 30s – Dr. Aniruddha KB
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Common causes of ulcers on tongue in your 30s – Dr. Aniruddha KB

Generally white lesions under the tongue, whenever you have to diagnose, it is important to get the medical history of the patient. For example, if the person is a smoker, if he has been smoking for a long number of years, or he is using smokeless tobacco, that is gutka. If the patient does not maintain proper oral hygiene also, then under the tongue there can be deposits such as tartar, plaque, which accumulates in very badly maintained oral hygiene. Secondly it can be due to fungal infection called as candidiasis which can result in a condition which is white in nature. There can be viral infections which produces ulcers inside the mouth which can look whitish. Or if there is aphthous ulcer, there could be sloughing on the surface of the ulcer which is white in colour. Some it could be a possibly of a disease called as oral cancerous lesion or it could be a pre oral cancerous lesion as well. So find out with proper medical history because any white lesion is not a cancerous condition or any white lesion is not something which you should neglect. So therefore understanding this through a professional, that is a dentist and he will give medicines if necessary or can advise for a biopsy if required. However it is only after an initial diagnosis. So it is important that your doctor diagnoses the problem for you.