Do laser hair combs really work for Androgenic Alopecia?-Dr. Sravya Tipirneni
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Do laser hair combs really work for Androgenic Alopecia?-Dr. Sravya Tipirneni

Laser hair combs are a very common term. It is actually called a very low level laser therapy. This is also called as photostimulation or photobiomodulation it is a very controversial topic because there are two schools of thought. Some say it really works and swear by it and some absolutely don’t believe in it. How does it work? It emits light emitting diode to emit heat and stimulate the growth of hair follicles. How this happens at a medical level is the particular wavelength of the light used stimulates the growth factors in that particular area where the light is applied and increases the amount and number of ATP molecules, which indirectly increases the metabolism of anagen phase of growing hair. So the catagen and telogen metabolism is accelerated so that the anagen hair is more in percentage. This is how low level laser therapy works. Personally as far as I am concerned, I don’t recommend on a regular basis for patients because there are varying schools of is not completely proven to work alone, yes, it has been used in junction with of other modalities of treatment for pattern balding. It can be used for males and females as far as pattern balding is concerned and also there are particular grades of balding that we have to consider when we think about giving low level laser therapy.