Do LOOKS Matter? With your Crush, Dating and Relationships (Psychology) Giveaway
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Do LOOKS Matter? With your Crush, Dating and Relationships (Psychology) Giveaway

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Do LOOKS matter to get the attention of your crush, in dating, or in relationships? What contributes to a person ie: man, woman, girl or guy being perceived as good looking or attractive in Psychology? In this video, I delve into my own experience as a relationship therapist and couples counsellor with men and women as well as research in the field of attractiveness to answer the question “Do Looks Matter?” or “How Much Do Looks Matter?” and give advice when it comes to relationships.

Contest Rules: Giveaway is Charlotte Tillbury Perfume “Scent of a Dream”
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Since September 31st is not a real date (who noticed?) haha, the winner will be announced on October 1st.

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Hello everybody, I hope you’re all having an amazing week. So we have all wondered this before, but nobody really ever talks about it. How important are your actual looks, like when it comes to dating or finding a relationship, or just like your success in life in general? So, you guys know I’m a relationship therapist with a doctorate degree in psychology. So, today I’m going to ask the question and tell you guys if looks really matter based on my experience of people in relationships and based on the research that’s been done in the field.
If you guys #[00:38] Ask Kimberley, I’m doing another scent give-away because I know you guys love scents and I personally love them too. This perfume is the brand new Charlotte Tilbury scent, the scent of a dream, and it literally just came out like a couple of hours ago. I’m so excited. The only requirement to enter is to be subscribed to Ask Kimberley here on YouTube and to all be on Instagram here, and the winner will be announced on September #[00:58]. Okay. Good luck guys.
Alright you guys, let’s get right into the video.
No. 1. Okay you guys. So in terms of Do Looks Matter…? Wait for it. When it comes to looking confident, at least, research shows that a confident posture literally improves a person’s overall attractiveness as perceived by others. Whether you’re a guy or girl looking to impress a crush, or just meeting somebody for the first time, you can literally come across like the most attractive person in the world if you carry yourself the same way that a confident person would. This explains why certain celebrities who are not accepted like traditionally good looking can actually transcend their physical appearance with things like their confidence, their posture and their social status. Facial symmetry is attractive to the human eye but that can only go so far. Research shows that a person’s body language can influence their attractiveness by 40%. If a person has friendly and positive body language, they can go from being considered attractive by only 40% of people, to be considered attractive by 80% of people. This is all from opening up and making their stance more positive. A confident stance is sitting up straight, putting your shoulders back, pointing your feet toward the person that you’re talking to and smiling. A smile can go such a long way because it enhances your physical features, but it also shows how positive and beautiful you are from the inside out.
No. 2. Looks also matter when it comes to looking put together. Research shows that for both guys and girls, being well groomed can result in more people thinking that you’re good looking and can lead to more success in love and dating. One study found that women’s attractiveness at work is entirely judged on how well groomed the woman is as opposed to her actual looks. The well-groomed women also made more money. The study showed that a woman would automatically appear more attractive if she took the time to shower each day, have good hygiene, put on a clean outfit, have styled hair and wear basic makeup. This one I think is a little bit unfair and it just shows how far the world needs to come, because men at work are not judged the same standards. The study showed that men could take minutes getting ready for work and still be perceived as attractive.
No. 3. There are certain traits that can make people seem more attractive from a biological perspective. These include a thick limbal ring on your eye which indicates fertility, long and thick hair which is an indicator of good health, and this applies to guys too with long hair and beard. And red lips for women which suggests ovulation. If you guys want to learn more later about evolutionary beauty and how to simulate these traits, I’ve done a whole video on scientific beauty tricks and I’ll leave the video at the end.
So guys, as a relationship therapist, what’s my opinion?