Does medication boost male fertility? – Dr. Apoorva P Reddy
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Does medication boost male fertility? – Dr. Apoorva P Reddy

There are usually 3 factors we look in the sperms in semen is the sperm count. Second is the motility and third is their morphology. If there is any abnormality in the men like thyroid abnormality or elevated prolactin levels or other hormonal disturbances, this can lead in low sperm count. So trying to correct these abnormalities and increasing the production of testosterone by medications can benefit some men in improving the sperm count. The sperm motility is the vigor in which the sperm can move. If there are more stress inducing substances in the male body, then the motility will be less than what it should be. So supplementing them with some micronutrients like a CoQ10, zinc, selenium, all these will help in improving the motility of the sperm. About sperm morphology, we do not have any medication which can change the sperm morphology because that is inherited or genetically acquired. So when the sperm morphology is poor or very low, the only available option is to screen the sperms under more than 6000 magnification and to use only the best looking sperms to overcome the morphology defect.