Dos and Dont’s in Acne Prone Skin | Tips from dermatologist – Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle
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Dos and Dont’s in Acne Prone Skin | Tips from dermatologist – Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle

Dr. Rasya Dixit | Appointment booking number: 099018 90588
Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist | Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, Bengaluru
Acne is a very common condition and a lot of people who have acne they are not aware about the common things we should do and not do when we have acne. Firstly is when you have acne is don’t pick or squeeze your acne. This is going to increase the chances of scarring , that is going to increase the chance s of pigmentation. Second thing what you haven’t heard much is dot wash your face too often. If you wash your face too often, you are stripping the skin from the essential moisture it needs , the essential oils it needs and your skin will rebound and produce more oils. So use your salicylic acid face wash maybe twice a day. Dont wash your face again and again. Third thing is don’t try home remedies for your acne scars because you will end up with more pigmentation and more scars instead speak to a dermatologist early. Acne scars am become permanent. So it is important to treat your acne early. Next is very important, dot neglect your diet and exercise. Remember that your diets like eating sweets, junk foods, dairy can increase the oil production in the skin and can increase the acne. I would say exercising everyday and drink 10 glasses of water. That is one way to reduce the acne.