Easy workout for lazy people – Legs and Abs!
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Easy workout for lazy people – Legs and Abs!

Can’t get your lazy bum to hit the gym?

Keeping the abs and legs toned is the new trend these days, especially with most people trying to stay home as much as possible.

But pandemic aside, some people are just not wired for gym workouts.

Still, if you wish to get your body in shape but are too lazy to perform hard exercises for quicker results, then this video is for you.

Today, we will be going over some easy legs and abs exercises that fit just right for lazy (or busy) people like you.

For instance, for your legs, there’s squat jump and for your abs, there’s bicycle crunch–those exercises and many others will be discussed further so continue watching!

Easy leg workouts
1. Squat jumps
Squat jumps, while easy to perform, are actually a powerful exercise that strengthens your lower body while boosting your heart rate for more calorie burn.

Its primary target muscles are glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves while effectively toning the ab and back muscles.

This exercise doesn’t just help with weight loss but also strengthens your core and improves your posture.

2. Curtsy lunges
A curtsy lunge is perfect for stabilizing your hips.

A bit distinct to the standard lunge, it entails holding your lower body in a curtsy position to inject more glute strengthening effects.

This exercise targets the quads and glutes while also engaging the hip abductors.

Curtsy lunges are ideal for people looking to build their lower body stability and strength.

3. Side leg raises
Even when you’re watching TV, you can easily perform side leg raises just like the previous two leg workouts.

It can be done either standing or lying down, whichever you prefer.

So long as you’re doing it in the proper form, then all is good.

Side leg raises work the hips, thighs, and glutes.

Easy ab workouts
4. Bicycle crunch
The bicycle crunch is a very common ab exercise since it does an excellent job of targeting the six-pack muscles and the obliques.

In this exercise, speed doesn’t hold much importance.

Rather, try to go slowly so you can focus on the right form and your breathing.

If you can’t touch your elbows to your knees, then don’t force yourself, otherwise, your neck can be strained.

5. Twisted mountain climber
This dynamic ab exercise engages several muscles altogether, thus, increasing the heart rate.

As a result, this improves metabolism, causing more calories to be converted into energy.

Twisted mountain climber primarily targets the abs, hips, legs, obliques, and glutes.

It also helps enhance your flexibility, agility, and aerobic fitness.

6. Glute bridges
Perfect for people who cannot squat due to pain in the back, knee, or hip, glute bridges do not put any pressure on the lower back.

When done properly, performing this ab exercise will have you feeling the burn in your hamstrings and glutes.

A bonus benefit is that it also helps develop your butt in addition to building abs.

Do you know other awesome leg and ab workouts that are perfect for lazy people?

Comment them below.