Eat Garlic and Honey on an Empty Stomach for 7 Days and THIS Will Happen to Your Body
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Eat Garlic and Honey on an Empty Stomach for 7 Days and THIS Will Happen to Your Body

What Garlic and Honey Does to Your Immune System
Are you looking for an excellent natural immune booster to battle colds and flu?

If yes, just head to your kitchen and get your hands on one or two of the many immune boosting ingredients you can find.
At this point, you’re probably thinking of organic yogurt or homemade apple cider vinegar, and that’s awesome.

The thing is, your kitchen is chock full of weapons that are sure to fight against the cold and flu season.

Speaking of weapons, garlic and honey are two foods that can give a significant boost to your immune system — they make the perfect combination for your health and wellness.

In other words, you can turn potent garlic into a tasty, healthy treat when you combine it with honey — what could be better?
Now you’ll be able to eat raw garlic without worrying about the intensity of its flavor. The best part? Honey is also loaded with amazing health benefits, so the combination is sure to work great for your immune system.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is known as an excellent immune system booster thanks to its antifungal, antiseptic and nutritive properties.

Garlic also provides anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties. It’s also chock-full of nutrients and minerals including allicin, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.

Garlic is great if you’re looking to improve heart health, reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, metabolize iron and prevent cancer.

This super food also helps boost the immune system and eliminate colds and flu — great right?

Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is yet another health boosting ingredient that you can pair with garlic to make it more appealing and appetizing.
For the most part, raw honey is loaded with enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. Honey is an antioxidant which also happens to be antibacterial and antimicrobial.

Just one tablespoon can boost the immune system, increase energy, fight infections, reduce allergies, soothe sore throats, prevent cancer and more.

Honey Infused Garlic Recipe

First things First — Raw Honey or Pasteurized

It’s pretty obvious that raw honey will have more health benefits since it’s not processed. Moreover, it’s more likely to contain more nutrients than filtered honey.

It’s always an excellent idea to source for fresh local honey that’s entirely free from pesticides.

The bottom line; only raw honey contains healing and immune boosting properties — you won’t get that from pasteurized honey.
Alright! Now that you have the antioxidant raw honey and immune-boosting garlic at your fingertips let’s proceed to create the powerful food medicine!

Things You’ll Need:

• A small jar
• Garlic
• Raw honey
• Knife


• Get your fresh garlic and peel off the wrappings. Now use the flat side of a knife to crush the garlic cloves. Just leave it to sit for about fifteen minutes.

• Now place your garlic into your jar and fill with raw honey. Once you’re done screw the lid of the jar and allow to sit for a few days, about 3 to 5 days. At this point, the garlic will absorb some of the nutrients and sweetness of the honey while the honey will absorb some of the amazing properties of the garlic — it’s more like a win-win situation.

• Once it has finished sitting for 3 to 5 days, be sure to place it in the refrigerator so it can be fresh throughout the season.
What to Do with the Honey Infused Garlic?

Just eat them if you start to feel under the weather this cold and flu season! You can eat a clove every hour — the target should be about five cloves a day.

The great thing is, you’ll be getting the fantastic benefits of both foods at the same time. You can reduce the amount of cloves you eat if you feel like you’ve boosted your immune system — but be sure to keep at it for health maintenance.

Now you know what the combo of garlic and honey can do for your immune system — it’s time to make yours so your system can be on the right track.

Always stick to raw honey and fresh garlic. Here’s to good health!

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