Fluid filled blister after a burn Right way to deal it – Dr. Rasya Dixit| Doctors’ Circle
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Fluid filled blister after a burn Right way to deal it – Dr. Rasya Dixit| Doctors’ Circle

Dr. Rasya Dixit | Appointment booking number: 099018 90588
Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist | Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, Bengaluru
IImmediately after a burn the first thing people are worried about is , is it going to form a blister, is it going to form a scar, how do I take care of it. First thing we ask you to do is to put your hand and affected area in cold water and let the skin temperature cool down so that the heat absorbed come back to normal. After that if there is a blister formation, there is a plain fluid that is already there inside that blister and removing that removes the protective layer of the blister. Sometimes the blister is very big and at that time the dermatologist or a doctor may let out the fluid with a sterile syringe. Dont do it a home. My advice is , if you have developed the ,blister, just leave the blister alone. It is protective for the skin and it protects the burn area to heal well. If the blister is very large and very unmanageable and it is continuously leaving a so that the excessive fluid can be removed and a clean dressing can be applied for the blister area.