How is low amniotic fluid treated – Dr. Suhasini Inamdar
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How is low amniotic fluid treated – Dr. Suhasini Inamdar

Low amniotic fluid is a condition in which the volume of amniotic fluid in the womb goes down. It is denoted by AFI (amniotic fluid index) which is below 8cms. It is seen in 2nd and 3rd trimester scan, and when it is diagnosed, we look into the reasons and try and treat those reasons so that it can remain whatever level it is or at least increase a bit.
There is no sure method of increasing the amniotic fluid, but there are some time tested methods which are known to bring it to some considerably good levels.
So that when it is lower than 8cms, we try and ask the mother to
1. Take proper rest,
2. Good nutrition which is rich in proteins, which are known to increase amniotic fluids.
3. Some amino acid preparations, which the lady can take by mouth or by IV infusions.
4. She can be prescribed some blood thinners also, which are again known to increase the amniotic fluids.
5. Drinking plenty of water and liquids which are permissible as suggested by the doctor

Another reason which could cause low amniotic fluid levels, it can be of fetal origin.
1. It is seen in scan if the fetal kidneys are functioning properly, sometimes kidneys might be there, but they might not be functioning properly, sometimes fetus might have one missing kidney.
2. Lack of functioning of fetal urinary bladder, there may be some block, under these circumstances you’re guided to go to a pediatric surgeon (who is a pediatric urologist), or go to an expert in fetal medicine, who can treat these conditions in utero. Another method to treat this is, putting saline in the amniotic sack through the IV line (like how we give for IV infusion). There might be chances of complications like infections, or precipitating the labour. We can deliver the baby when it is mature enough to survive outside the womb.