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You are beautiful and the world needs to see that too. I’m really excited to give you guys this video, it is my top 5 tips on how to start becoming confident from the inside out, with no tools or skills required. By learning these (and practicing them!) you can start to take advantage of all the benefits in life that confident people have. You can do it!

Keywords: Confidence, self-confidence, how to be confident, how to be a confident girl, how to have more confidence, self-esteem, how to be self-confident, positivity, teen edition.

Hello my lovelies, I hope you’re all having an amazing week. Have you ever noticed that in life and in dating the confident people always seem to have all the luck. But did you know that with just a few small secrets, you too can be that confident girl? And it’s really not that hard. Don’t you think I’m using my experience as a relationship therapist with a doctor’s degree in psychology to give you guys a secret that almost nobody ever shares. These are my top 5 ways to give yourself an inner makeover so that you can be the most confident girl in the room, and start taking advantage of the opportunities in life that only the confident people get.
If you guys #[1:06] Ask Kimberley, don’t forget to hit the big subscribe button down below and come and follow me over on Snapchat and Instagram so that you guys can constantly be inspired and stay at the top of your game when it comes to your relationships.
So first things first guys. Start with your posture. People who smile can naturally start to feel more happy because of the brain’s connections with our physical movements and our emotions. Something really similar happens with our bodies, so when we feel sad or depressed we naturally hunch our bodies over. But people who are confident stand tall and proud which is a natural reaction to feeling at ease and good about yourself. So if today isn’t your most confident day ever, you can really start small by just starting to assume a positive posture and by smiling. And this can almost instantly affect the way that you feel by triggering that emotional response. Now, just because of your stance alone, people are going to start to perceive you as a more confident person, which actually makes you more favorable in their eyes and a lot more likely to be invited into their inner circle.
Tip No. 2 guys is banish negativity and you can start to do this right now. So you guys know that about 80 to 90% of most people’s everyday thoughts are either negative or based in fear? Maybe you’ve experienced this too. Have you ever walked down the hall and thought, “Everybody hates me.” “Oh my God, he looked at me, it’s probably because I have food in my teeth. I don’t fit in here.” Now what would happen if you replaced those thoughts with the exact opposite? “What an amazing day! Everybody loves me. Oh my God, he looked at me. Well I do look super cute today. I’m so excited to see where this date takes me.”
The daily ritual of grabbing a negative thought and then throwing it away is hard and it takes a lot of practice, but trust me, I’ve seen it done and I know you can do it. Then keep practicing by consistently telling yourself what you love about yourself, that you’re beautiful and that other people are attracted to you. It may take a while you guys, but these thoughts will eventually permeate, and soon you and everybody around you will be able to see it.
Tip No. 3 is to push yourself and take some risks right now. Confident people do not become that way just be sitting at home by themselves. We have to have real life experiences – talking, sharing, flirting, playing sports, traveling. And it’s through these experiences that we start to learn about the world and our place in it, and we really start to learn how cool we actually are.
So right now, you guys, today, I want you to choose one thing that you’ve been secretly wanting to do for a really, really, really long time, but you’re too afraid to do, and I want you to take the first step towards doing it.
Four is choose positive friends. I want you to think about the 5 top people in your life who you spend the most time with. Did you know that your outlook on life is going to be somewhere around the average of these 5 people, and only them?