How to become fairer permanently? – Dr. Rasya Dixit
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How to become fairer permanently? – Dr. Rasya Dixit

In India we think that the fairer is better and there is an endless pursuit of fair skin, but the fair skin might not be necessarily be healthy skin. What you should aim at getting is an even skin and a healthy glowing kind of complexion instead of looking at only at a fairer complexion. Most of the over the counter products which are available to make you fairer, either contain a steroid or hydroquinone, both of which are very very harmful for the skin in the long term. Whenever you are taking orally or injectable from it is not approvable by the medical authorities to take medicines to become fairer, so when we are born with this particular skin colour, we tend to maintain that skin colour throughout life. it is impossible to become fairer permanently. What most of our youngsters where they are ruled by other techniques like photoshop, like makeup to cover up the flaws and to bring out the colour. So please do not be lured by these things. Your health is more important than your skin colour before you chose any treatment for fairness. Please ask and then choose the treatment.