How to ensure right shape of head in newborns? – Dr. Varsha Saxena
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How to ensure right shape of head in newborns? – Dr. Varsha Saxena

One should remember that the bay’s head grows rapidly in the first few years of life. This is because of the rapid brain growth of the baby and the skull of the baby is very soft and malleable to accommodate this rapid brain growth. If there is any abnormal pressure on any part of the head it will lead to abnormal head shape. If you feel that the bay’s head is abnormal in shape you can consult a paediatrician regarding. The doctor will see the size, the shape of the head, the fontanal size and the sutures. If all these things are normal and still the bay’s head are showing abnormalities like protuberance or flattening on one side it is only due to position of the baby’s head. Flattening of the head on the side is also known as brachycephaly or on the back side it is called as plagiocephaly. All these can be corrected if we position the bay’s head properly. The bay should be given proper tummy time i.e. the bay should be kept in prone position for some part of the day and this will help to decrease the pressure on the baby’s scalp. If on one side the bay’s head is getting flattened, the baby can be kept on the other side to decrease the pressure on that side. Babies can also be carried on the shoulder for some part of the day. It also helps in their colic pains. A proper baby pillow can also be used to prevent the flattening of the skull from one side. In severe cases a good paediatrician can be consulted. They can advice on proper pressuring of the skull and some helmets can also be used.