How to get bigger biceps in 7 days
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How to get bigger biceps in 7 days

When flexing your muscles, do you lift your arms and flex your biceps as well?

Biceps is commonly the first muscle that crosses the mind when flexing as it plays a huge part in developing strong, sculpted arms.

Sure, muscles grow and develop at various rates for various people.

Nonetheless, a one week to kick start your routine is applicable for everyone.

What’s our secret?

You just need the right combination of three things: exercise, diet, and rest, which we will be discussing more next so keep watching.

In today’s video, we will be going over the ways to get bigger biceps in 7 days.

1. Exercising your way to bigger biceps
The muscles need resistance training to grow, and your biceps are certainly exempted from this rule.

To achieve bigger biceps, you need to perform arm exercises that will increase the size and strength of your muscles.

Your old pal biceps curls aren’t enough.

For quicker progress, use concentration curls, instead.

Other good arm exercises you should incorporate are barbell curls, chin-ups, and cable curls.

When doing these moves, use as little momentum as you can and minimize the swing in your arms.

This way, your muscles will do all the work.

After you’ve mastered these bicep exercises, increase the workload of your muscles. You can do this by adding more sets and reps and lifting more weights.

2. Eating your way to bigger biceps
Just as the time spent in the gym, the time you spend in the kitchen is also important if you want to build your biceps.

Eating enough carbs, protein, and fat in every meal is a crucial ingredient to your bigger bicep formula.

Protein, in particular, is very important and you’ll need to consume more than the recommended daily intake to foster muscle growth.

Carbs very much matter too as these are turned into glycogen, which will then be used for energy when exercising.

Opt for whole grains and starchy vegetables for your carbs intake.

Lastly, healthy fats are another good source of energy.

Your total daily calories should be 20 to 35% healthy fats.

Nuts, fatty fish, and avocado are some of the great sources of healthy fats.

3. Resting your way to bigger biceps
Sleep and recovery are important components of any well-rounded bicep training routine or just workout in general.

To let your biceps grow efficiently, you need to give your muscles a break.

Sleep deprivation or even poor quality sleep can hold back your muscles from growing all out.

When asleep, the body produces human growth hormone, which aids in muscle growth.

The blood flow to your muscles also increases and your body can have time to repair the damaged tissues from all those hardcore workouts.

This tissue damage control is especially at its peak during non-rapid eye movement sleep.

Building bigger biceps in a week is a good start.

Of course, the result after a week will not be as noticeable as when working out for a month.

Nonetheless, if you stick with those habits, you’ll achieve your bicep goals in no time.

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